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Established Sony games that sell very well should never release day and date outside Playstation, barring maybe live service games that owe their success in large part to PC (for example a "Helldivers 3" skipping PC for a year or two may be more harming than beneficial).

Smaller games that have a chance flopping may benefit from releasing on other systems (PC on day 1, Switch a year later unless technology is a barrier), and only be considered to revert to timed or full exclusivity when they build a large enough fanbase and become "system sellers".

AstroBot is perfect for the Switch style wise, but since it's a reference galore to Playstation stuff, it may be a challenge to convert it to Switch 2. For starters, will they be swapping the in-game Dualsense with a Switch controller? You can't make it make sense! Can still be done I guess but it'll be weird and incoherent.