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Colombia plans to provide medical treatment to Palestinian children injured in Gaza

A Colombian military hospital would provide medical treatment to Palestinian children injured in the Israel-Hamas war under a plan announced by the country’s foreign ministry.

Colombia’s Deputy Minister of Multilateral Affairs Elizabeth Taylor Jay told reporters the children would travel with their families to Colombia for rehabilitation. She did not provide further details, including the number of children who would receive treatment, when they would arrive in Colombia or how long they would remain in the country.

Taylor Jay made the announcement during Colombian President Gustavo Petro’s trip to Sweden.

She said the government believes injured children can be treated by Colombian military doctors in part due to “the expertise” they have acquired while caring for people wounded during Colombia’s decades-long internal conflict.

The United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Germany have been receiving Palestinians in need of medical treatment as a result of the war.

Wounded Palestinian children are carried on stretchers, after an Israeli attack at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir el-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip

Israel’s war on Gaza has ‘opened the eyes of the world’

Spain called on the international community to take action to end the eight-month Israeli war on Gaza.

“For too long the international community has looked the other way,” Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said at a news conference. “It has thought that without resolving this conflict we could live in peace and stability. What has happened during these eight months has opened the eyes of the world.”

Sanchez also demanded the release of captives held by Hamas.

On Monday, the UN Security Council overwhelmingly approved its first resolution endorsing a ceasefire plan, but neither Israel nor Hamas has fully embraced it.

The 'eyes of the world' may have been opened, yet so far most are like deer staring into headlights. Or rather bury their head in the sand hoping it will blow over?

Palestinian Amjad al-Qanoo, a three-year-old child whose health is deteriorating due to malnutrition, is viewed struggling to survive in Jabalia district, on June 09