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I’m a few days late and the discussion has moved on but holy shit, I’ve seen a lot of dumb arguments over semantics on this site but this might be one of the dumbest. “It’s not mandatory, therefore it’s not a core feature!” As if “core” feature has a set definition.

The whole point of Switch is its ability to play anywhere or anyway you want. Most people focus on the “anywhere” portion by being able to play handheld or console modes but the Joy-Cons versatility allows for the “anyway” portion.

A single Joy-Con sideways is essentially a SNES controller, 2 Joy-Cons in the grip becomes a standard dual analog controller, Joy-Cons upright act as a Wii Remote or Wii Remote+Nunchuck.

Again, the whole point of the Joy-Con is it’s versatility that allows for multiple pays to play games.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.