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UN resolution ‘not perfect’ but offers ‘glimmer of hope’: Algeria UN envoy

Amar Bendjama says his country voted in favour of the draft resolution because “it can represent a step towards an immediate and lasting ceasefire”.

“I would like to extend our gratitude to the US delegation, especially Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, for their diligent efforts and for addressing some of our concerns in the final text,” he said in his remarks shortly after the vote.

“Algeria engaged during the negotiation process in good faith, working closely with Palestinian mediators to achieve a resolution that ensures an immediate ceasefire, and hopefully will have a tangible impact on the ground. This text is not perfect, but it offers a glimmer of hope to the Palestinians.”

Bendjama said Algeria was “unwavering” in its commitment to “halt the massacres committed by the Israeli occupying forces in Gaza during these dark times in human history”.

“Algeria’s sole guiding principle has been the preservation of Palestinian lives. We cannot stand by while the Israeli occupying forces continue to exterminate Palestinians.”

Hamas ‘welcomes’ UN resolution on permanent ceasefire

In a statement, the group welcomed a “permanent” ceasefire, compete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, a captive-prisoner exchange, a plan to re-build, the return of the internally displaced to their homes, and the rejection of any demographic changes or shrinkage of the enclave’s area, as well as the entry of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.

“We confirm our willingness to work with our brothers the interlocutors to negotiate indirectly on how to implement these principles that coincide with our people and the resistance’s demands,” Hamas said.

‘Now that UN resolution has passed, can it be implemented?’

That’s the big question moving forward: can it be enforced and can it be implemented?

As you heard from Linda Thomas-Greenfield, she said the United States will help or encourage Israel to implement it, and she said Egypt and Qatar will help Hamas implement it.

So they are looking at this clear-eyed – just because the Security Council passed this overwhelmingly, and it is binding under international law, it is now up to the parties to abide by it and implement it.

The US is saying very clearly that Israel has agreed to this. That puts a lot of pressure on Israel. This is clearly a diplomatic victory for the United States.