Yeah I don't see Intel ever dethroning Nvidia, simply because Nvidia has had a head start for a while now and they simply hold far too much market share/buying power and general sway.
Intel is also battling AMD on both the CPU side and whatever scraps they are getting on the GPU side, so yeah, virtually not happening for Intel or even AMD. Also there won't be any "open AI", because as the current tech market is operating, all AI are neutered by default (especially in regards to that US Gov signed bill that prevents AI from not being completely lobotomised, ergo we cannot have a true open AI).
I also think these companies completely fail to understand what a true open AI would mean for them, because I can tell you this with certainty; an open AI that is more advanced and not lobotomised would spell the end for tech giants world-wide, because with zero constraints and complete freedom to operate anywhere at any time, would give people more choice and power and less need to rely on the likes of the tech giants themselves.
What the tech giants really want is the current "my services only" style Ai, lobotomised and only serving said company for one sole purpose (like MS's co-pilot serving only MS for MS's own ecosystem and nothing else). I on the other hand want an AI that isn't brain-dead and one that is knowledgeable on many topics and able to discern from right/wrong (as well as being able to help me with many different types of tasks, not just looking up stuff or generating an image, which is what I do not want it doing), but that won't happen in my lifetime due to the boomers being fearful of Pandora's box going against their interests/finances.
Last edited by Chazore - on 10 June 2024Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"