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Soundwave said:

I don't think Nintendo really gives a shit about any of that, they're a multi billion dollar brand that's about to outsell the PS2 for all time best console, are taking over Hollywood, and have multiple massive theme parks that attract tourists from all over the globe.

I never said Nintendo cared/didn't care about anything in my previous post.

But apparently you care.

Soundwave said:

The hardware philosophy for the Switch seems to be reasonably spec-ed hardware for not a budget price per se, but not a ridiculous price point either and a sane business model. Which is more akin to the NES/SNES/N64/GCN era. 

It's low-end. It's mobile. It's portable.
And it's okay at being that, because outside of the PC space, no one else really is.

Soundwave said:

All I'm saying though is going by Steam's own hardware rankings, most of the top GPUs on Steam are indeed 6-8GB cards. On top of that you have the XBox Series S which virtually every major game is still supporting, even things like GTA6, so that is a max of 8GB RAM total (for VRAM and anything else). Developers are going to have to make sure their games work on that much RAM. 

Those 6-8GB cards are still better than the consoles. That's all I am saying.

And 6-8GB isn't the start or end of the memory available on PC... Because again, data gets streamed from System memory extremely rapidly.

There is a very good reason why the PC uses a hierarchy of memory pools ranging from slowest+largest to fastest+smallest. - It's not unheard of for PC games to fill up the memory buffer on the GPU and have another 8GB+ waiting to be streamed in on a per-needs basis... In-fact, that's what they have literally been doing for the last 40 years.

PC is a memory rich environment, consoles are not.

Soundwave said:

Them's just the facts. Ain't no one out here trying to make a $150-$300 million dollar game for 1% of the market that has 40 series cards (which sold poorly, looks like the COVID surge for PC GPUs and Crypto bros that were buying those higher end cards have started to "nope" out). A 3050 is plenty to run any kind of game that would bankrupt any studio if it doesn't sell big, the tech stopped being the bottleneck ages ago. 

Again.. And I provided evidence for this previously, the majority of PC's exceed the console hardware specifications. PC can access higher settings, it doesn't actually need games designed strictly for the hardware when every single game released looks and runs far better than the console release.

It's like comparing DVD to Blu-Ray, it's the same movie, but DVD looks poor by comparison next to a Blu-Ray.

Soundwave said:

Like I've said many times "tech bros" are a tiny niche audience that don't even show up most of the time for "graphics showcase!" games or they are showing up but the number of them are pathetically small. Looking at the sales of games like Senua's Saga HB2, Immortals Aveum, Avatar Frontiers of Pandora, Alan Wake II, etc. etc. these games are not bringing in big audiences at all. 

Majority of PC's beat the consoles, majority of PC's have visuals that beat the consoles.

Those are the facts and I have provided evidence for that.

Stop trying to argue against something you can't argue against. Facts are facts buddy, you do need to come to terms with that instead of trying to shift the goal post which you are notorious for doing.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--