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Leynos said:
JRPGfan said:

The 10fps cartoon cgi parts looked rough, ingame, it was low too... but there the harsh cuts from cgi -> ingame transitions was the worst part.... and the gameplay seemed like unless you knew you had to do x,y,z at certain spots, it wouldn't go well (ei. that person playing it, made it look "good", while most people wont get a experiance like that).

Another thing that surprised me is how many black female leads have been shown so far.... what like 5? or so....  More than White males.
Like its obvious theres something wrong here, thats due to DEI people.

Nothing wrong with more diversity.

Either representation doesn't matter, and there's no reason to care what the race/gender/w/e of the characters are, hence no reason to complain. Or...representation does matter, which would be a good reason to consciously add more of it.