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Israel’s occupation of Palestine echoes France’s colonisation of Algeria

Several scholars believe Israel’s violent occupation of Palestinian lands has sharp parallels with France’s 132-year colonisation of Algeria, which ended in 1962 after an eight-year war for independence.

France displaced Algerians, confined them to small spaces that could not sustain human life and armed French settlers against them.

Israel has done the same since the Nakba in 1948 when Zionist militias ethnically cleansed at least 750,000 Palestinians to establish Israel on top of the ruins of their homes and history.

“[In both contexts], we can talk about the disregard and dehumanisation of Arab life … either as part of Islamophobia or anti-Arab sentiment,” said Muriam Hala Davis, a historian of Algeria at the University of California in Santa Cruz.

Israel’s use of white phosphorous in Lebanon causing lasting harm: HRW

As Al Jazeera reported in March, Israel continues to use white phosphorus munitions in south Lebanon, causing lasting damage and driving villagers away even as Israeli officials threaten a war across their northern border.

A new report released on Wednesday by Human Rights Watch (HRW) concurs, showing that white phosphorus attacks are “putting civilians at grave risk” and “contributing to displacement”.

“Israel’s use of airburst white phosphorus munitions in populated areas indiscriminately harms civilians and has led many to leave their homes,” Ramzi Kaiss, Lebanon researcher at HRW, said in the report.

Four-year-old Merve has serious burns on her body due to phosphorus used by Israel, according to doctors, shown here being treated at El Arish Hospital in El Arish, Egypt on November 15, 2023

Gaza war had AIPAC sending more money from GOP donors into Democratic races: Report

According to an analysis by US magazine Politico, the powerful pro-Israel lobby has been spending millions of Republican donors’ money in Democratic primaries to boost moderates over progressives who have been critical of Israel.

“Israel’s invasion of Gaza, and its mounting civilian casualties, have led even Democrats who have long favoured Israel to question whether the US can continue its level of support,” the report by Politico said.

“For Republican donors, giving to Democratic candidates in primaries helps ensure more moderate, pro-Israel candidates win in deep-blue seats where the general election is all but certain to be uncompetitive, and financial support for GOP candidates would be a waste.”