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Chrkeller said:

I never understood the console war mentality. If Horizon and Spider end up on the S2, that is a good thing. The games are still great, will increase exposure and revenue for Sony, which is money and motivation for sequels.

Exclusives do not help gamers.

Console exclusives, made by the 1st party developers (including 2nd party like Xenoblade and Pokemon) have one major advantage. The need to sell consoles by having games you can only get there means they are pushed to make higher polished, more varied, and otherwise attractive games. 

This is why something like God of War and Horizon come off as better and more polished single player games in a sea of Ubisoft. This is why Nintendo saved Bayonetta from being a one off and releases a lot of stuff you don't see a ton of from the higher echelons of gaming like platformers and strategy games. 

Look at how Sega's lineup shifted after they became third party. You will get lesser results if they start relying on other consoles....hell look at Microsoft. 

Console wars, even without outright insults a la Genesis and SNES, lead to competition and in turn leads to better services and products from the publishers. No competition means lesser products.

Last edited by KrspaceT - on 09 June 2024

The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?