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Jordanian Foreign Ministry condemns ‘brutal’ Israeli attack on Nuseirat

In a statement on X, the ministry says that Israel’s attack, which has killed at least 210 people, is “a practice that reflects the systematic targeting of Palestinian civilians, the Israeli persistence in violating international law and international humanitarian law, and continuing to commit war crimes”.

“The ministry’s official spokesman, Ambassador Dr. Sufyan Al-Qudah, affirmed the kingdom’s condemnation and absolute denunciation of Israel’s continued commitment of genocide crimes in the Gaza Strip, which is suffering an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe as a result of the Israeli aggression”, the statement continues.

Iran blames Israeli Nuseirat attack on ‘inaction’ from world states

Iran’s Foreign Ministry blamed the hundreds of deaths that resulted from an Israeli attack on a Gaza refugee camp during an operation to rescue Israeli captives on “inaction” by world governments and the UN Security Council, Iranian state media reports.

“These horrific and shocking crimes … are the result of the inaction of governments and responsible international bodies, including the United Nations Security Council, in the face of eight months of war crimes and violations by the Zionist regime [Israel],” said Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani.

Arab Parliament blames ‘silence’ of int’l community for Nuseirat ‘massacre’

The Cairo-based organisation has denounced the “massacre perpetrated by the Israeli occupation entity today in the Nuseirat camp … in which dozens of citizens were killed and hundreds injured, most of them children and women”.

It held Israel and the US administration responsible, saying that Washington’s silence on Israel’s war crimes, and failure to stop it, makes the US an accomplice.

The Arab Parliament added that the “continued massacres of the occupying entity against Palestinian civilians is a blatant challenge to the international community and its decisions, and a disregard for international law”.

OIC denounces deadly Israeli attack Nuseirat refugee camp

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has condemned what it calls “the horrific massacre carried out by the Israeli occupation army, which resulted in the murder and injury of hundreds of Palestinians, most of them women and children”.

In a statement, the organisation emphasised the need for an investigation, accountability and punishment in accordance with international law, stressing the importance of the role of the International Criminal Court in this regard.

The OIC reiterated its call to the international community, especially the UN Security Council, to urgently intervene to halt the war crimes committed by Israel in Gaza.

All talk as well. Jordan supports Israel, Iran only cares about its own sovereignty, Arab parliament is all words, OIC can't do anything.