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Pemalite said:
JRPGfan said:

The price differnce is that big? Why are things that much more expensive in brazil?

I'm haveing a hard time finding a new 3090 anywhere.... old sites with outdated prices only... a 4090 is about 1620$ here (13,000+ dkk).
How much is one in brazil?  I find 13,000+ dkk on a GPU too expensive as well, like I'm not paying that, even if I easily could (thats like, just abit more than I can save up in 2 months time). So while I could justify putting aside 2 months of saveing from work, thats just too much to pay for a gpu, imo.

I think a GPU should be around  ~350 - 400$.  (7700 xt, 4060 ti)

Im not spending more than that on a gpu.

Honestly, for most people... There is very little reason to step up beyond the mid-range anyway.
You are better off simply upgrading a little more often in the long term.

I don't buy high-end GPU's anymore, I invest big in my CPU, Ram, Motherboard and other components instead... Which ultimately last longer. - GPU prices are just crap to warrant buying high-end anymore.

If POE 2 is more demanding than the first game... I might have a reason to upgrade.
Your thinking is very much so inline with my own.  Like ff14 and POE, are the majority of my playtime, not exactly super demanding games.

Im thinking if I have to do a upg again, this time I wont go cheap on CPU/Ram, but instead get something that'll then last.