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Pemalite said:
Shtinamin_ said:

I appreciate you actually using some type of source. 

Normally I do use a source.
But in this instance I really don't care much about the subject matter to spend the time to do it.
That... And if you are dealing with Trump supporters, they don't care about sources/evidence anyway.

Shtinamin_ said:

Yes, he is cash poor (if >$500 million can even be considered cash poor) compared to other business owners.

More than likely less than $500 million. As he would have been required to sell off assets.
Which is in stark contrast to his prior claims that he has billions in the bank.

But this is actually the root cause of his fraud cases, where he inflates his wealth and how much money he has to get better bank loans.

Shtinamin_ said:

Aren't politicians allowed to use the campaign funds if the campaign company (RNC for Republicans and DNC for Democrats, etc) allows it?

Honestly, I am not American so I am not entirely sure what is socially acceptable or not in this aspect.
But for me personally, he could use all that money to buy properties, I don't care either way as it has no effect on me personally.

Shtinamin_ said:

From entering the presidency to leaving, Trump lost $700 million. From 2021 to 2024 has earned about $20 million on a coffee table book, lost funding from many NYC companies, including the government of NYC, lost bank accounts, lost property value, etc. The only reason he says he is filthy rich is due to his shares in TMTG, which bring his net worth to $6.5 billion , which he can't take any out until September 2024 at the earliest, so he is still cash poor in comparison. And even those shares are depleting in wealth.

During his presidency, Trump raked in 1.6~ Billion.

Seems we are at an impasse?

Shtinamin_ said:

The RNC and other Super-PAC's (some were founded by Trump) have raised as of from 2021 to May 2024 around $962.8 million. And at the moment Lara Trump as co-chair of the RNC has said that they will send funds to Save America PAC which will fund Trump's legal fees. Huff Post April 6 dinner for fundraiser called "Trump 47" PAC via the RNC. Yes they will not be small amounts of payments.

It's not going to make any difference in the end, it's just dead, wasted, money.

Trumps constant lies and narcissism has made his current bed... And the legal system is performing it's intended function.

Just find it hilarious that for months and months and months, Trump chanted "Lock her up" and now he is the one in the hot seat.

SanAndreasX said:

In one respect, he succeeded beyond their wildest dreams: Stacking the Supreme Court, which is leading to the wholesale collapse of all of the civil rights rulings made by the Warren Court (plus Roe, which was a 7-2 ruling by the Burger Court, which had been stacked with conservatives).  

I actually find it interesting that political parties can even influence the supreme court.. And perhaps even slightly concerned.
I personally believe that courts and the legal system should be "stacked" with unbiased individuals... Or at-least equal representation to provide appropriate balance.

SanAndreasX said:

One of the worst nightmares Trump could inflict would be to win a second term and pressure Alito and Thomas, the two oldest jurists on the Supreme Court, to resign, then confirm two younger replacements that will be on the bench for decades to come. 

I don't know if you have evangelicals (Christian fundamentalists) in Australia, but they are Trump's primary base of support in the United States. 

We do have evangelicals in Australia, but religion tends to be pushed into the background rather heavily which is a massive benefit.

The Australian public has made a mockery of our leaders whenever they used religion in the past, so it tends to stay out of politics for the most part.
I.E. Our ex-leader Scott Morrison sent "thoughts and prayers" during the bushfires of 2021 and the Australian public ripped him a new one... As a nation we don't like baseless, useless sentiments, we like to have action... And religion tends to be useless.

We have a very Atheist-heavy population, which I believe is a massive strength of ours culturally, as we can enact change that conflicts with religious views relatively easily for the benefit of the nation... And keep it that way.
I.E. No flip-flopping on issues like Same-Sex Marriage, we voted as a nation and made it permanent. - The Church/Evangelicals can't do a thing about it, which I think is great.

I'm glad you usually put quotes, citations, links. It helps a lot. That comment was more talking about someone else that was making statements without evidence, I honestly don't recall who. 
Personally, as a Trump supporter for this election, I enjoy sources, I think it's great to get a view of what is happening. Even though my ideas my be outside the common viewpoint, I do my best to collect information and study it.

That less than $500 million was used due to payments he had to make from past court cases. I do think he had less than $500 million in March but in June he has most likely gotten close to or more than that now (though that is a personal guestimate since it's not a very important subject).

I agree with your comment on what he can do with campaign money. I don't know either, but as an American I should. I just don't know where that info would be.

I guess? The article does talk a lot about his businesses income, but I suppose he can have gotten other income from elsewhere, though it doesn't say where. Oh well. It was an interesting read for sure.

It is interesting though, the amount that has been donated from April and May, and I assume June as well.
I will admit its rather funny that the tables have turned.

The supreme court is not a place for political leaning as it is the final say in what the Constitution (and other governmental documents) says. I trust the Supreme Court to do their best to keep it Constitutional (but not every decision will be).

From what I've been seeing there has been a shift from religious to non-religious in America. And those that keep their religion become more attached and devoted. There has been a huge decline in religious-ness in general (even in the short span time of COVID to now) at least from what I see. No sources here since this is just what I see. (pardon my flip flop from source enjoyer and non source using, most sources say that religious-ness has gone up about 3% but church going hasn't really changed).
That is interesting to hear about Politics and Religion in Australia, it's a very interesting scenario. America tries to separate religion and politics but they end up becoming one and the same eventually (depending on the topic).

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.