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Chrkeller said:
Phenomajp13 said:

@zeldaring I'll stop wasting my time with you, you are the same silly individual that uses YouTube views to determine which game will sale more. Your over reliance on the internet was your downfall before and clearly it taught you nothing.
@Chrkeller Your observation is silly as well, why are you so focused on Zelda? You have been given several examples of mandatory motion controls on Switch games in franchises that are bigger such as Mario and Pokemon. Maybe people consider you a Nintendo troll because you post like one? Who expects you to view Nintendo as perfect? Because we have a different opinion, how about you take some responsibility for your own post such as Nintendo games will be on PC in 10 years or motion controls aren't core to Nintendo consoles. If you made a top 10 list for both Wii and Switch you will not see a focus shift you will see Nintendo games with the difference being Wii will have more popular market expanding games and Switch will have Pokemon. Mario Kart is the highest selling game for both except the forced bundled game obviously which offers optional motion controls but you would rather focus on Zelda? You refuse to even answer what is or isn't core on any console. So I'll leave you with this, is online gaming a core feature?

Because you are cherry picking.  Does Acreus require motion?  No.  Does Sword require motion?  No.  Does Violent require motion?  No.  

Most games do not require motion on the Switch, the option is there in many cases, which is great.  But optional is not core, it is secondary.  

Look at Galaxy.  Motion to collect star bits.  Motion to attack.  Motion to spin jump.  Motion to grab star (like boo races).  Motion for jump stars.  All mandatory.  

Odyssey, shake for special moves with new hats...  everything else is optional.  

It was a change.  Frankly I don't know why your panties are in a twist.  Nintendo has a great balance with Switch.  Everyone wins.  

As far as Nintendo being PC in 10 years, not what I said.  I said I could see their games on PC, perhaps just legacy, within 10 years.  And that might sound crazy, but so did:

Sonic on Nintendo platforms

Sony games on Steam

Halo on the ps5

Nintendo popping a few titles on PC in 10 years isn't as outlandish as you are making it out to be.  Crazier things have happened.  

I'm cherry picking yet you refuse to acknowledge the games on Switch that does require it. There are several but you are a fake Nintendo fan, so you simply don't know. That's why you genuinely believe it isn't outlandish lol to suggest this about Nintendo. Regardless, is online gaming a core feature?

Now take your top ten list on Switch and remove Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and Luigi Mansion since those games didn't get a Wii version. Bundle 1,2 Switch with every Switch and now tell me how different the consoles really are? Ring Fit Adventure didn't get a sequel like Wii Fit Plus. Labo didn't take off like Wii Play which was bundled with a controller. Nintendo hasn't changed a damn thing, you just aren't a real fan. 

Last edited by Phenomajp13 - on 07 June 2024