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@zeldaring I'll stop wasting my time with you, you are the same silly individual that uses YouTube views to determine which game will sale more. Your over reliance on the internet was your downfall before and clearly it taught you nothing.

@Chrkeller Your observation is silly as well, why are you so focused on Zelda? You have been given several examples of mandatory motion controls on Switch games in franchises that are bigger such as Mario and Pokemon. Maybe people consider you a Nintendo distractor because you post like one? Who expects you to view Nintendo as perfect? Because we have a different opinion? How about you take some responsibility for your own post such as "Nintendo games will be on PC in 10 years" or "motion controls aren't core to Nintendo consoles". None of that is true and you are given several examples and just plainly bat them down because you dont play them, like we care what you play. If you made a top 10 list for both Wii and Switch you will not see a focus shift, you will see Nintendo games with the difference being Wii will have more popular market expanding games and Switch will have Pokemon and Animal Crossing. Mario Kart is the highest selling game which offers optional motion controls but you would rather focus on Zelda? Why not use it? You arent fulling anyone, you are just purposely being disingenuous. You refuse to even answer what is or isn't core on any console. So I'll leave you with this, is online gaming a core feature? Since it's optional, I guess not.

Last edited by Phenomajp13 - on 07 June 2024