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SanAndreasX said:
Pemalite said:

Glorious for Trump to literally be proven a legitimate criminal.. And people still support the self serving, self loathing, narcissist... Says alot about those people.

It's a cult. As long as he empowers their worst impulses, they'll support him. They wouldn't care if he were convicted of first degree rape or first degree murder, they'd come up for excuses for why his victim deserved it. 

I just don't get what people see in him.

For months he chanted "Lock her up, lock her up" in regards to Hillary. - And as soon as he becomes a convicted criminal he literally LIES and says he never said it... And starts acting like the victim to garner sympathy.

I am a firm believer in treating others the way you wish to be treated, so this is just going full circle and he is just receiving what he dished out.

Shtinamin_ said:

Once again, that's strange that you think so given that he is one of less than a handful of Presidents to actually come out of the presidency as more poor than they entered.
And all the money that is being raised for Trump is legally the RNC's which is specifically for campaigning.

Not to point any fingers but your statements aren't based on anything and seem biased. (I hope the tone isn't negative, I'm trying to have it be a neutral tone)

Trump is cash poor, which is in stark contrast to his prior claims that he is "filthy rich". - And that was before he took office.

Since taking office he has been using fundraising money to channel into his businesses and support legal costs and we are not small amounts either... He has received some significant wealth since taking office, but it's been used to support his never-ending drama.

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