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JEMC said:

"The G80SD is Samsung’s first AI-powered gaming monitor, equipped with the NQ8 AI Gen3 processor found in the company’s 2024 Neo QLED 8K TV. This processor enables AI-upscaling capabilities, improving content quality and games to “nearly 4K” resolution when accessed through the monitor’s built-in smart TV apps and Gaming Hub. This feature only works for content that is shown on the monitor’s built-in software, like Xbox Game Pass streaming or Netflix."

Why the F does a monitor need smart TV BS? There's already enough spyware in every thing we have, we don't need more of it.

Other than that, I'd glad we're starting to see more and more 27" and 1400p  OLED monitors, a combination that seemed impossible not so long ago. It's still extremely expensive for someone like me, but at least there are more of them, which is nice.

I mean, it's an OK feature. The Samsung upscaler does cause a slight watercolor-like effect but it does go a long way in relieving that horridness in any image not displayed at native resolution in LED displays.

Makes me wonder if FG is included as a feature too. I don't see why not at this point.