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Hundreds of far-right Israelis enter Al-Aqsa Mosque compound

Wafa news agency reports that nearly 800 far-right Israelis have stormed the mosque’s grounds, under the protection of Israeli police, ahead of the provocative “Flag March” taking place today in occupied East Jerusalem.

Sources told Wafa that sources said that one of the groups that entered the compound was accompanied by former lawmaker Moshe Feiglin.


Jordanian foreign ministry condemns ‘storming’ of Al-Aqsa Mosque compound

Hamas denounces far-right Israeli march through Jerusalem

Later today, a “Flag March” of thousands of far-right extremist Israelis will take place in occupied Jerusalem, commemorating “Jerusalem Day”, an Israeli public holiday that marks the day that Israel gained full control over Jerusalem in 1967.

The route takes marchers through the Damascus Gate and the city’s Muslim Quarter, past Al-Aqsa Mosque.

“The march of flags in occupied Jerusalem is an aggression against our peoples and holy sites”, a statement from Hamas says.

This “Flag March” in past years has prompted calls from both inside Israel and the international community for a change of route, due to the violence that often accompanies it. The march is expected to commence in the early afternoon, local time.


Tensions flare amid Israeli ‘flag march’ in Jerusalem

This march is definitely provocative. It marks the end of the 1967 war and the annexation of East Jerusalem. The march tends to be organised by young Israeli ultranationalist youth, many of whom shout out anti-Arab, anti-Palestinian slogans in reference to the Nakba.

Their route starts at Damascus Gate, one of the seven main entrances into the Old City. They go through the Muslim quarter, which is incredibly provocative, especially for the Palestinians who have shops there. And then they end up in the Western Wall. In previous years, the marchers have damaged property.

For many Palestinians, this day marks a tragedy. It also takes place in an area they hope will one day be the capital of a Palestinian state.

You’ve got far-right ministers like Itamar Ben-Gvir saying they will be attending this march. We’re yet to see him. But he is someone who has carried out many provocative moves, such as storming Al Aqsa Mosque compound.