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PotentHerbs said:

You might want to take a look at that document again. In FY16 the PS4 made 1.2B in profit compared to the PS5's 1.9B profit in FY23 with with Bungie on the books.  

~1.3B profits out of ~15B revenue, 2023 was 2B profit out of 29.4B revenue which make 2016 having the better yield. Bungie was not on the book as 1.Sony made the acquisition not PlayStation and 2 that's not how acquisition are accounted for.

PotentHerbs said:

Also, what makes you believe that PS5 won't be as sustainable as the PS4 after the PS6 launches?

Never said it would not. I said PS3 was not and as a result PS4 2016 provided better yield than PS5 2023 despite PS5 being substantially still helped with ps4 and also factoring in better peripheral sales, stronger revenue from service, higher priced game and hardware, more digital sales proportion. Cost increase have just been that drastic.

PotentHerbs said:

PlayStation Plus is a major factor as to why PlayStation platforms are more sustainable going forward.

And yet it isn't right now, despite PlayStation plus being bigger then in 2016

PotentHerbs said:

Its not an outlier for the PS4, its more of a new trend set with the multiplayer paywall. That's not something that's going to drop off with the PS6 launch unless PS5 sales crater going forward. So yeah, the loss in revenue as well as profit, shows why PS5 sales nosediving isn't just a gamer concern as you originally argued. 

You didn't understood what I meant, of course if PS5 sales where to nosedive it would be a major concern because it will be a disaster for there revenue and revenue is what they care about. But if they had a way to circumvent revenue lost by PS5 sale nosediving then it would not be a worry therefore it's not PS5 sales nosediving that is a concern in itself but its impact on the revenue.

PotentHerbs said:

What makes you think Sony are less committed to single player games? Do you see the push they are giving Astro Bot? Most of their live service games are coming from studios they bought. None of their prestige studios, outside of Guerrilla Games, are focusing on live service. Even most of their XDev partnerships, or projects from developers in Asia, are mostly single player. And yeah, most of their single player games are timed nowadays, but that has essentially been the case since 2020 before the PS5 even launched. The only major shift left for Sony is to go Day and Date on PC for all software as many have predicted would already happen.  

I was speaking in proportion while single player used to be 80%+ of PlayStation during ps4 now there short term release schedule looks like :

PotentHerbs said:

Sure, Helldivers 2 didn't need PS5 to be considered a success, but the same can be said about PC. IIRC, Mat from NPD has said that HD2 would still be the biggest game of the year on just the PlayStation 5. I actually wouldn't be surprised if Helldivers 2 made more money on PS5 than PC even if PC has a slightly larger percentage of the player base. Point is, Sony's primary way of making money in gaming, will be through the PlayStation platform, supplemented by delayed PC ports.

We agree here

PotentHerbs said:

I also disagree with Sony never attempting to make their own storefront on PC. 

I'm confident they won't or that if they do they won't pursue any form of exclusive strategy with it. Sony also own share of Epic and despite this they currently support Steam.

PotentHerbs said:

Also, didn't Phil Spencer testify that PlayStation made 2x the amount of profit than Xbox? 

I'd need a source for precision and time frame but I wouldn't be surprise, this is profit not RoI and Sony revenue use to be much bigger than Xbox prior to ABK purchase. 

PotentHerbs said:

Where exactly is the better return from?

I assume it was taken from their prior financial statement

PotentHerbs said:

If anything, it goes to show looking at just the ROI is extremely misleading.

Quite the contrary, it shows that judging a business solely by it's size or in this case, number of console sold, can be extremely misleading, Sony had way higher revenue than Xbox and yet Xbox was able to provide an healthier business with more RoI.

PotentHerbs said:

Sony is simply not in the same position as Microsoft as their console is not irrelevant outside of the US and UK. Believe it or not that's a canyon wide gap between the two and how their business functions.

You claim relevancy as a factor of position over competition because you use a consumer point of view, it doesn't matter that Sony PS5 is outselling Xbox as much as they are, it still not enough for them to provide a RoI able to keep investment flowing in while overlooking other options like increasing PC support, exactly as MS was force concluded almost a decade earlier due to their lower install base. 

PotentHerbs said:

Xbox being backed by a trillion dollar company is the reason they can even consider next generation hardware instead of being forced out the market like Sega.

This is backward, nobody would keep a business that have no yield or prospect and no MS isn't philanthropically supporting Xbox as your suggestion entail. The actual reasons that a trillion dollar company is backing Xbox is because Xbox manage to produce RoI. Still not enough to fully satisfy them because MS is also forcing contraction onto Xbox (so long for "backing"). 

Last edited by EpicRandy - on 04 June 2024