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Either they think repeating a lie often enough will make it true, or they have been tricked by Israel like Hamas was last time when they accepted a proposal.

Biden administration stresses truce deal an ‘Israeli proposal’

The US Department of State’s Matthew Miller says Washington is “completely confident” the deal presented by Biden last week, which the US president said would lead to an enduring ceasefire, was put forward by the Israeli government.

“Obviously, it was a proposal that they developed in consultation with the United States and Qatar and Egypt – three countries that have played the mediating role throughout this process,” Miller said.

“But this was ultimately an Israeli proposal in terms of where it stands. It was submitted to Hamas on Thursday night.”

He added that Hamas has not responded to the plan.

Hamas has said it will deal “positively and constructively” with the proposal. But Israeli officials say they’ll continue to seek the destruction of the Palestinian group.

Hamas has responded positively but said yesterday they had not received anything in written form yet...

US says Hamas cannot govern Gaza

US Department of State spokesman Matthew Miller says once a ceasefire deal is implemented, Washington will pursue a different governing authority for Gaza that is not Hamas.

“One of the principles that we see for the end of this conflict is that Hamas cannot continue to govern Gaza – period, full stop,” he said.

While the US claims Hamas’s military capabilities have been significantly degraded by the war, the group remains an active force on the ground, with its top political and military leadership intact.

So what happens to the group’s leaders and armed members? “That is quite clearly an issue that will still need to be negotiated,” Miller said. “We haven’t even gotten an acceptance of this proposal yet.”

He stressed the Biden administration’s position is Hamas should lay down its arms.

Accept first, negotiate after? That's not how deals work... Israel and the US will need to accept that they will have to deal with Hamas to restore peace first before Hamas can be replaced with a new government. Otherwise all the other armed groups, including Hamas' Al-Qassam bridages, will simply keep fighting on their own. It's an unfortunate truth. Hamas has all the contacts and is the only one that can convince all the other groups to stop fighting.

US and Israel keep approaching this like an invasion rather than resistance to occupation. You can't kill resistance.

A small victory for common sense

White House formally rejects bill to sanction ICC officials

In a so-called statement of administration policy, the White House voiced opposition to a proposal in the US Congress that would penalise International Criminal Court (ICC) officials over pursuing war crime charges against Israeli leaders.

It described the ICC prosecutor Karim Khan’s push for arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defence Minister Yaov Gallant as “heedless”. But it said it rejects compelling sanctions against ICC personnel.

“There are more effective ways to defend Israel, preserve US positions on the ICC, and promote international justice and accountability, and the administration stands ready to work with the Congress on those options,” the White House said.

The bill, which has dozens of sponsors in the House of Representatives, would also enable sanctions against foreign entities and people who assist in the ICC investigation of Israel.

The US is going all in on their 'peace plan', Sullivan joins in

Israel willing ‘to step forward and do a deal’: US

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan’s says Israel is prepared to sign onto the truce deal despite growing doubts over the plan outlined by President Biden.

“We’ve seen again over the weekend from Israel a willingness to step forward and do a deal,” Sullivan told the Global Impact Forum in Washington. “All of those people who have been calling for a ceasefire for all of this time, they need to train their eyes on Hamas this week and say, ‘It’s time come to the table, do this deal’.”

Sullivan, who has made a series of visits to the Middle East, said an agreement would be the “best thing” for the people of Gaza, Israel and the United States.

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office has stressed that Israel will push on with the war until Hamas is “destroyed” – a statement that goes against the “permanent” end to the war stipulated in the proposal. An Israeli government spokesman added on Monday that Netanyahu views the plan Biden set out as “partial”.

Yeah it's clear Biden is getting desperate trying to dig himself out the hole he made.

Pushing ceasefire deal is about ‘Biden’s political survival’

Reporting from Washington, DC, Al Jazeera’s Shihab Rattansi says the White House is pushing the truce deal that it says would lead to a lasting ceasefire to boost Biden’s re-election chances.

“This is about Biden’s political survival now. This isn’t about the survival of the people in Rafah or the children in Gaza,” Rattansi said. “Biden needs people to start thinking about Donald Trump and not about ‘Genocide Joe’.”

Israel has sent mixed messages about the proposal. While the US stresses the plan has been approved by the Israeli government, Netanyahu’s office says the deal would allow Israel to continue the war to destroy Hamas.

Rattansi said the Biden administration appears to think it has buy-in from Israel for the deal. “But the point is: This is Netanyahu, so you never know.”