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PotentHerbs said:

Revenue, operating income, and ROI are higher on PS5 than PS4 launch aligned. Its not just higher revenue because of higher prices.

Given the document in the OP the ROI for 2016 was clearly better than 2023. Worst PS4 still play a major role in those revenue and profit right now, it was not the case for the PS3 going into 8th gen. 

PotentHerbs said:

I wouldn't say the PS5 needs to outsell the PS4 to maintain the same ROI. PlayStation Plus, higher digital sales, stronger first party sales are all major factors that significantly benefit the PS5 over the PS4. 

I see those but given Sony recent action and result it is clearly not enough.

PotentHerbs said:

PS5 sales nosediving is definitely a Sony concern lol.

It's the loss in revenue associated with it while having to maintain high expense that would be the concern. 

PotentHerbs said:

Again, they didn't commit their single player exclusives Day One to PC.

Yes but they are less committed to those single player title as most of their studios are task on GAAS right now, and their single player title can now be considered only to be timed exclusive to PlayStation which is already a big change from the prior occasional PC release.

PotentHerbs said:

they didn't mention a PC launcher for the mid term.

Nor will they ever do, they'll simply support PC through steam and Epic.

PotentHerbs said:

even their live service initiative needs PS5 to be successful.

Hell divers 2 didn't need PS5 to be successful, but it'll help for sure.

PotentHerbs said:

Sony and Microsoft are in totally different positions. Microsoft needed PC but Sony wants PC to grow their profit margins. 

and MS last years estimated Sony ROI to be around 8%, which in retrospect was extremely close to reality and even a bit generous, while disclosing their own to be ~12% and Nintendo to be some 20% iirc.

Do you see why PlayStation must take action here, how good it is to best your competitor in almost every aspect but at the end of the day your competitor is able to satisfy their shareholder better with more return?

Sony is in the exact same position as MS, they were simply able to keep status quo for longer due to their strength but now it is not enough.