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Ukraine recognizes both Israel and Palestine, President Volodymyr Zelensky said in Singapore on June 2, calling for an end to the conflict in Gaza.

When asked by a journalist about Kyiv's support for Israel, Zelensky stressed that Ukraine also offered to help alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and said that the two periods should "not be mixed together."

"Ukraine said that if Hamas terrorists attacked civilians on the first day of their attack on Israel, then Israel has the right to defend itself," Zelensky said during the Shangri-La Dialogue conference.

"And after that, when Israel was in Gaza and there was a humanitarian crisis, Ukraine said: Firstly, we are ready to provide humanitarian aid to Gaza.

"Secondly, we must respect international law. Thirdly, Ukraine recognizes two states, both Israel and Palestine, and will do everything it can to convince Israel to stop, to end this conflict and prevent the suffering of civilians."

The president also said that Ukraine is  a "just country that recognizes international laws and the U.N. charter."

Ukraine invited both Israel and Palestine to the upcoming global peace summit in Switzerland as Kyiv is "ready to hear every opinion" of other countries, except for Russia, Zelensky noted.


Netanyahu will probably throw his toys out his pram but who cares, not like Israel is helping Ukraine anyway.

Ukraine has recognised Palestine since 1988 so this is partly just a reconfirmation of that stance.


Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 June 2024