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It's a shame MQ wasn't around earlier to give Wii some serious competition but here we are so.....

Price: £180+ Wii Sports v £200+nothing v £100+piracy

Adjusted for inflation Wii still wins cos local multiplayer although MQ does come with it's own 100" 1080p HDTV

Controls: Wiimote +Nunchuk v head tracking, hand tracking and full motion control

Meta Quest wins but the controllers are £50 per hand and don't include Wii Play. If you ignore Motion+ then Meta Quest takes it however a quick Wii waggle still beats having to accurately press every single fucking door button at every single opportunity just cos muh VR tracking.

Comfort + accessibility: hand controllers v helmet of chaos

Wii wins. No motion sickness and no need for a backpack mounted to your head to play for more than half an hour. 3rd party headsets might be more comfortable but full motion controls are not suited to a headset that needs a fixed sweetspot to stop you from spewing up.

Portability: Draw. MQ wins for singleplayer. Wii wins for local multi

Graphics: Draw. (Technically MQ wins cos it does the same graphics but in 360 degrees)


Why didn't 3rd parties try selling this 'immersive experience' crap on Wii? The controls are just as important as the visuals, I assume Zuckerberg was a lot more fast and loose funding 3rd parties compared to Nintendo and I can see why.

Walking Dead, trash. Jurassic Park, trash. Darth Vader thing, meh. Why tf do people buy these types of games? Stop encouraging them.

Walkabout minigolf - top tier. Easily beats Wii Golf if you have no irl friends/family.

Beat Sabre - meh, should've been on Wii. VR doesn't add much.

Tetris VR - why tho?

Warplanes v Wii Sports Resort Flying - If you can handle the nausea then Warplanes wins.

Resi 4 - Draw

Wii Sports v Wii Sports clones - Local multiplayer + not needing a HDTV strapped to your head + Nintendo = Easy win for Nintendo. It's funny how Wii Sports was a tech demo but here we are 20years later and nobody has been able been able to match it's charm and accessibility.

Ultimately I was left with the impression that VR is a solo affair and Nintendo could easily dominate every genre on there. If I'd never played Wii or VR before, I would choose VR for wow factor but Wii longterm (MQ's controls are amazing tho).

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!