Mass protests against Netanyahu government again fill streets of Tel Aviv
Thousands of Israelis have again taken to the streets of the Israeli city, putting pressure on the government of Prime Minister Netanyahu to strike a deal with Hamas that will see the release of Israeli captives held in Gaza.
These protests have been occurring every weekend for months, with demonstrators also calling for early elections to replace Netanyahu.
Today, a large banner was carried by some members of the crowd, pleading with US President Joe Biden to “save” the captives from Netanyahu by exerting pressure on him to accept a ceasefire deal.
馃挜"Biden, save them from Netanyahu!" Huge banner in Tel Aviv.
(Gilad Furst)
— Noga Tarnopolsky 谞讙讛 讟专谞讜驻讜诇住拽讬 賳賵睾丕 鬲乇賳賵亘賵賱爻賰賷 (@NTarnopolsky) June 1, 2024
Violence erupts as Israeli police disperse protestors in Tel Aviv
Local activists broadcast footage showcasing the clashes between demonstrators and police.
Thousands have taken to the streets there to demand an expedited deal to return captives being held in Gaza.
讗诇讬诪讜转 诪砖讟专转讬转 - 讚专讬住讛 砖诇 诪驻讙讬谞讛 讘讬讚讬 驻专砖讬 诪砖讟专讛 讘爪讜诪转 拽驻诇谉, 注讻砖讬讜. 专讜注讬 讘讜砖讬
— 诇讬专讬 讘讜专拽 砖讘讬讟 (@lirishavit) June 1, 2024
Translation: Police violence – trampling of a protester by police cavalry at the Kaplan intersection, now.
讻讗讜住 讟讜讟讗诇讬 讘拽驻诇谉
— 诇讬专讬 讘讜专拽 砖讘讬讟 (@lirishavit) June 1, 2024
Translation: Total chaos in Kaplan.
讗诇讬诪讜转 诪讟讜专驻转, 讛诪驻讙讬谞讬诐 讛讚驻讜 讗转 讛诪砖讟专讛
— 诇讬专讬 讘讜专拽 砖讘讬讟 (@lirishavit) June 1, 2024
Translation: Crazy violence, the demonstrators repelled the police.
Protest signs around the world say, ‘All eyes on Rafah’
Indonesians wave Palestinian flags and hold a sign saying, ‘All eyes on Rafah’, at a solidarity rally outside the US Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia
A woman holds a sign saying, ‘All eyes on Rafah’, during a solidarity rally called by Kanak organisations, Urgence Palestine and anti-fascist movements at the Place de la Republique in Paris
A student activist holds a placard denouncing the war in Gaza in New Delhi, India
Health workers in Dublin, Ireland hold signs saying, ‘Sanctions now’, and ‘All eyes on Rafah’, at a solidarity rally on Saturday