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twintail said:
Leynos said:

Sony should have taken that Concord money and spent it on Omega Boost Remake and Legend of Dragoon Remake. Before you ask no I don't like LaD but it's better than any GaaS game and it has demand. No one is asking for Protectors of the Universe featuring not quite Shrek or Yondu.

Even less ppl are asking for remakes of Omega Boost and LoD, of all things. 

More people would play them than Concord lol Mecha games are back and doing well and JRPGs are doing well while all these Gaas piles of shit keep flopping.

btw just found this if you needed more proof it's a knockoff GotG

Last edited by Leynos - on 01 June 2024

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!