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LegitHyperbole said:
JWeinCom said:

Marvel's Spider-man (0/10)
Marvel's Spider-man 2 (0/10)
Mass Effect 2 (0/10)

There's other games that either are on XBox or have some sort of internal achievement system that I got all of them in. I.e. Banjo Kazooie XBLA, Kirby Air Ride, Smash Bros. Brawl, Kid Icarus Uprising. I don't really care much about trophies. If I really like a game, it might serve as an excuse to play it longer, but I don't care too much about the trophy itself.

Spidermans platinum brought you zero enjoyment? Hmm, I remember that one pushing me to do all that side stuff I'd never have done otherwise and while it got a bit tedious I found it generally enjoyable. Zero? You sure...

Oh, no I liked the games a lot. If not, I wouldn't have bothered getting platinum. The 0/10 is for how much I cared about the trophy itself/how proud I was. Like I said, I don't particularly care about the trophies, and for these games, it wasn't really a challenge to get them, just a matter of playing long enough. 

I should edit Mass Effect 2 to a bit higher, because beating it on the harder difficulties was modestly challenging. I'm more proud of 100%ing other games like Kid Icarus Uprising where some of the challenges really took skill and practice.