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UK’s Labour blocks politician from elections for liking tweet critical of Israel

Faiza Shaheen said the Labour Party has blocked her from standing in the upcoming elections in the United Kingdom, over a series of posts she liked on X, including ones that were critical of Israel and detailed her own experiences of Islamophobia.

The tweet on Israel referenced a sketch by the American comedian Jon Stewart and said:

“Every time you say something even mildly critical of Israel, you’re immediately assailed by scores of hysterical people who explain to you why you’re completely wrong, how you’re biased against Israel. Moreover, you can’t easily ignore them because those are not just random people. They tend to be friends or people who move in the same circles as you. Those people are mobilised by professional organisations.”

Shaheen told BBC Newsnight that she does not remember liking the post, and said she was told the line about professional organisations plays into anti-Semitic tropes.

Shaheen, a former Labour candidate in the north London constituency of Chingford & Woodford Green, said she was still in a state of shock over the Labour Party’s move.

UN special rapporteur calls out women leaders’ support for Israel’s war on Gaza

Francesca Albanese, the UN’s expert on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory, has taken aim at the EU’s top female leader, Ursula von der Leyen, and recent US presidential hopeful Nikki Haley.

In a post on social media, Albanese said that she was “proud” when women leaders speak. But not always.

“Sometimes, I am painfully ashamed,” she wrote in a post above the tagged social media accounts of the EU Commission President von der Leyen and Haley, a former US ambassador to the UN under then-President Donald Trump.

Von der Leyen has come under stinging criticism for what was described as her “uncontrolled” support for Israel at the start of the war on Gaza, including a letter signed by more than 800 EU officials criticising her apparent “indifference” to the slaughter of Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

Haley, who pulled out of the presidential race in March due to lack of support, was photographed writing “Finish Them!” on an Israeli artillery shell while visiting Israel.

Hilary Clinton is just as bad.

US' weakness leads to Iran recruiting from the USA... How far things have gone

Khamenei welcomes US students into Iran-backed ‘Resistance Front’

In an open letter to student protesters in the US, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has told them that they have “now formed a branch of the Resistance Front”.

Khamenei described his letter as an “expression of our empathy and solidarity” with the protesters, who set up pro-Palestine encampments on university campuses across the US this month, until they faced violent eviction by authorities.

“The greater Resistance Front which shares the same understandings and feelings that you have today, has been engaged in the same struggle for many years in a place far from you,” Khamenei wrote, referring to the collection of Iran-backed militias and terror groups around the Middle East.

Satire turned real life. Not helping the protests in the slightest, just more ammo for Fox to paint student protests as Iran backed protests.

Australian public servants urge government to end arms exports to Israel

More than 300 Australian public servants have signed an open letter condemning Australia’s complicity in Israel’s “genocide” in Gaza and urging the government of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to halt all military exports to Israel.

“The bombs killing and maiming a population that is nearly 80% refugees and nearly 50% children are dropped by F-35 warplanes with parts exclusively manufactured in Australia,” the letter said.

“Rosebank Engineering in Victoria is the only company in the world that makes the mechanism that allows the F-35 to drop bombs,” it said.

The letter said Australia has increased arms exports to Israel since the hostilities began, despite countries like Canada, Belgium, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands having suspended arms exports to Israel.

It went on to warn that Australian state officials who fail to stop exporting weapons or munitions to Israel may be criminally liable for aiding and abetting war crimes.