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Red Crescent paramedics killed in Rafah among latest to die in Israeli attacks

Israeli ground forces are blowing up buildings in the east of Rafah as artillery targeted western and central parts of the city in attacks overnight and into the early hours of this morning, according to the Palestinian news agency Wafa and Al Jazeera Arabic.

Among those killed were two paramedic staff with the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) who died when their ambulance was bombed by Israeli forces in Rafah’s Tal as-Sultan area as they carried out their “humanitarian duty”, the organisation said.

Wafa reports that three people were also killed in an Israeli strike on a home in Tal as-Sultan on Wednesday evening, and at least five people were injured when their car was hit by Israeli forces as they travelled west of Rafah.

Israeli attack helicopters fired missiles at the Zeitoun neighbourhood, east of Gaza City, and dead and wounded people were recovered from the rubble of a separate house attacked in the east of the city, Wafa reports.

Palestinians flee after the Israeli army targeted a tent camp for the displaced in al-Mawasi, which was previously declared a ‘safe zone’ by Israel, near Rafah in southern Gaza, on May 28

Satellite images shows scale of displacement after Israeli strike on Rafah tent camp

This image shows dozens of tents set up near a UN facility in Tal as-Sultan on May 26, 2024, a day before Israel launched a deadly attack on the area

Two days after the missiles attack, on May 29, 2024, the ground appears charred while most of the tents housing the displaced have disappeared

USAID chief says conditions in Gaza ‘worse now than ever before’

Samantha Power, administrator at the US Agency for International Development (USAID), has said that the group’s partners have called conditions in Gaza “worse now than ever before”, adding that Israeli military operations are “making it extremely difficult to distribute aid”.

Children suffer ‘acute malnutrition’ as Israeli blockade slashes aid to Gaza: UN report

Many women and children were reported among the 121 Palestinians killed and 394 injured in Israeli attacks on Gaza between Monday and Wednesday afternoon, according to the latest situation report by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

OCHA also reports that the flow of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip has plummeted by almost 70 percent since May 7, and what was entering the Palestinian territory prior to that date was “already insufficient to meet the soaring needs”.

Since mid-January, more than 93,000 Palestinian children aged between six months and under five years have been screened for malnutrition, OCHA reports, with 7,280 diagnosed with acute malnutrition, including 1,676 with severe acute malnutrition.

‘Genocide by attrition’: Int’l community must end Israel’s ‘man-made famine’ in Gaza

A legal think tank focused on the global prevention of genocide has reiterated its condemnation of Israel’s use of “starvation as a weapon war”, pointing out that man-made famine is known as “genocide by attrition”.

The US-based Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention said that engineering a famine to “weaken or destroy a group” is a genocidal act.

“We are devastated that innocent civilians, including thousands of children, have already lost their lives in a situation that has been – and continues to be – predictable and preventable,” the institute said on social media.

“We call on the international community to end the blockade of humanitarian aid entering into Gaza and to initiate a permanent ceasefire throughout Israel and Palestine,” it said.

Israel will go down in history for causing the genocide that will prompt to add "using starvation against the group" to the genocide convention. It's a war crime already of course yet down at the bottom currently as laying a medieval siege to 2.3 million people was likely not thought all that possible...

Article 54(1) of the 1977 Additional Protocol I provides: “Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare is prohibited.” Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), Geneva, 8 June 1977, Article 54(1).

Yet Israel will likely 'upgrade' it from 2 (War crimes) b. (Other serious violations) XXV to a. (Grave breaches)

Anyway Israel is committing a ton of war crimes according to that list.