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LurkerJ said:
Azzanation said:

Well here is one example. Jim sterling gave the game a 4/10

Here is a quote from his review

"To call Starfield the least broken Bethesda game is akin to calling any single TERF the least embarrassing fascist. Then again, given how Zenimax and Bethesda seem to treat trans employees, that comparison may hit too close to home."

Ill let you process that and come to your own conclusion.

That's one review out of a 100? all games play by these rules, there is always going to be scores way off the mean for valid or invalid reasons (I am not sure where Jim's review fall, but really, he's not wrong about Bethesda being less broken than before isn't worthy of celebrating at least). 

Mate, you don't need to feel the pressure to justify Xbox terrible record on exclusives. Besides, the game will come to the PS5 sooner than later, and it will be re-reviewed again and you will see for yourself that exclusivity had nothing to do with the score (unless they ship a vastly different game).  

^ to be fair, they have patched it alot since.
Stuff like the storage space issues have been adressed, and I'm sure they bug fixed alot of issues and glitches it had.
Not to mention they did a patch for performance issues, and added stuff like FSR and frame generation (I think I read?).

I wouldn't be surprised if maybe it scored slightly higher.
That said the fundamental issues plagueing the game, arn't really easy fix's and likely wont ever be.
So I dont think it ll score massively differntly.

People were looking for fallout in space, with humor, and exploration and neat little things to discover.
From what I've heard, its very lacking in this aspect. The story isnt really compelling either ect.
Which just left people feeling let down about it.  Then theres the stuff about like flying to any star system / planet you want.... and thats not actually true (even though the marketing push basically said so, bless Todd Howard and his crazy claims)

If you dont choose to quick load, to a place, but manually fly forever to reach it, it turns out its just some sprite floating in space, that you cant interact with, or land on ect.

Alanah Pearce even after not working at xbox anymore, was/is a huge xbox fan.
She was super hyped to fly anywhere, and choose to try doing so live on stream.... only to be let down, when she couldnt fly anywhere or do anything that way.
Was it a sun? moon? something she flew right though, and it was just a sprite hanging in space.
She spent like 4 hours flying to it, only to find out she couldnt do anything.

Its the same experiance for people that wanted that exploration itch scratched, from fallout.
They go to a random planet, and asides from the outposts, and mining some rocks, theres nothing on the planets.
So much so, its pointless to explore. Its just not there, like in fallout, where there's tons of small little side things you can discover ect.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 29 May 2024