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Still waiting on all their other investigations...

Israeli military prosecutor says ‘very grave’ Rafah incident being investigated

Israel’s top military prosecutor has described Monday’s air strikes on Rafah as “very grave” and said an after-action investigation by the armed forces is under way.

“The details of the incident are still under an investigation, which we are committed to conducting to the fullest extent,” Major General Yifat Tomer-Yerushalmi told a conference hosted by the Israel Bar Association.

Gaza officials say 40 people have been killed in Israeli air strikes on a camp housing displaced Palestinians near Rafah in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

Palestinians put out a fire at the site of an Israeli strike on an area designated for displaced people in Rafah

The attack happened 8:45 PM, still putting out fires during the next day.

Is Italy suggesting the previous 36,000 dead and destruction of Gaza were justifiable... Tone deaf language.

Italy says violence against civilians in Gaza ‘no longer justifiable’

Italy says Israeli attacks on Palestinian civilians in Gaza were no longer justifiable in one of the strongest criticisms Rome has made so far against Israel’s war on the enclave.

“There is an increasingly difficult situation in which the Palestinian people are being squeezed without regard for the rights of innocent men, women and children who have nothing to do with Hamas, and this can no longer be justified,” Defence Minister Guido Crosetto told the SkyTG 24 broadcaster.

“We are watching the situation with despair.”

Crosetto said Italy agreed in principle with the Israeli response to Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7 but added that a difference had to be made between the group and the Palestinian people.

On Saturday, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani met Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Mustafa in Rome, reiterating their support for a ceasefire and urging Hamas to release Israeli captives.

Fuck you Italy, 7 months too late. From Oct 8 the response was collective punishment or rather revenge.

Childrens’ ‘bodies turned into fragments’

The attack on displaced Palestinians in Rafah’s Tal as-Sultan area has been one of the deadliest since the start of the war on Gaza, with the heavy bombs used on the shelters ripping victims to shreds.

“We retrieved a large number of child martyrs from the Israeli bombardment, including a child without a head and children whose bodies have turned into fragments,” a Palestinian paramedic told Anadolu.

Mohammad al-Mughayyir, a senior official at the civil defence agency, told AFP: “We saw charred bodies and dismembered limbs … We also saw cases of amputations, wounded children, women and the elderly.”

The Government Media Office in Gaza said earlier today that US-made 2,000-pound bombs were used during the attack – which the Israeli military claims was carried out in accordance with international law.

Translation: The effects of the burning of the displaced people in the camp that Israel bombed in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, and a witness tells us harsh details.

Survivors recount horror of Rafah camp attack

Witnesses recounted the “massacre” in the camp in Rafah’s Tal as-Sultan area.

Majed al-Attar, a displaced person from Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip, said he lost five members of his family.

“We were sitting in tents, and suddenly the camp was bombed. I lost five people from my family, all of whom were completely burned, among the people who killed pregnant women. Every time they told us that this area was safe until we were bombed,” he said.

Mahmoud al-Attar, a displaced person from east Rafah, said: “They told us that this area is safe. We left the area east of Rafah to the west of the city, thinking that there is safety, but now there is no safe place in Gaza. There are massacres everywhere.”

“We hope that the international community will stand with us to stop this war, I lost my brother and every day I lose one, why all these losses,” he said. “We are living this massacre a day after the decision of the International Criminal Court to demand that Israel stop the operation in Rafah.”

Children look into a vehicle carrying the bodies of Palestinians killed in an Israeli strike in Rafah

‘Genocide must end’ after Rafah massacre: Jewish Voice for Peace

The US-based Jewish advocacy group says attention must now be directed towards the overnight “massacre” committed in Rafah by the Israeli military.

“We will never forget the images emerging from Rafah tonight. Human beings, including babies, were burned alive and torn apart. This genocide must end, it must end now,” Jewish Voice for Peace said in a statement.

“We hold the US government, in addition to the Israeli government, responsible for the slaughter of over 36,000 Palestinians, for the siege and starvation of Palestinians in Gaza, and for mass destruction of infrastructure and land. We demand an end to all US funding to the Israeli military now. People of conscience throughout the world are calling for an end to genocide.”

Palestinians search for food among burned debris in the aftermath of an Israeli strike on an area designated as a safe zone by Israel for displaced people in Rafah

Rafah casualties rises to 45, as Gaza death toll pushes above 36,000

The Health Ministry in Gaza says 45 people have been killed in the Israeli attack on the displaced in Rafah, including 23 women, children and elderly, with 249 wounded.

The ministry added that at least 36,050 Palestinians have been killed since the start of the war and 81,026 have been injured.