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staticneuron said: stof said: I think it was Shams who nailed it. People are coming down on the PS3 because it's not repeating the smashing success of the PS2. It's having lackluster sales as compared to it's competition, and it's not the system with momentum. Also, I'd like to add that the PS3 hate wouldn't be as high if any of the following occured 1. The PS3 was released earlier, in which case it would be quite close to the 360 in sales 2. Nintendo's new system wasn't the innovative, low priced, headline grabbing and high selling Wii. If Nintendo had a gamecube 2 out right now, they'd have few systems sold and few people interested in it, leaving most people criticizing them instead of Sony 3. It were cheaper. Really, it's the most expensive system since the 3D0. That's the kind of thing that warrants criticism 4. If it had one or two more good launch titles. Most people complain because they can say "It only had one good title, and a bunch of 360 ports!" This is one complaint thats getting harder to make as more games come out though. 5. There is no 5 6. If it launched simultaneously in Europe. I say this only because the lack of a launch there leaves it to speculation. Speculation that goes both ways of course, with some people claiming that Europe will be the PS3's saviour. But for those that do criticise it, it allows them to make bold - and likely wrong - statements about how the PS3 will fare there once released. With all due respect, I disagree. The only point that people are mad about is the price of the PS3. Everything else is pretty much trivial.
Yeah, I have to agree with Static, the price is the only valid point but if they do a price drop what then? And about release dates someone posted on one of the other debates here, that in the first 17 weeks the DC, GC, PSP, and N64 sold more than the PS3 did in it's first 17 weeks (in Japan). I didn't think the PS3 would take off (mainly because of price) but I didn't epect it to be this fall behind in Japan or NA and certainly not behind Nintendo.(Even though I hope Nintendo would do great)