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Destroying Hamas proving ‘more difficult than anticipated’

Eran Etzion, a former deputy head of Israel’s National Security Council, has told Al Jazeera that “contrary to many expectations”, the task of destroying Hamas “does prove to be more difficult than anticipated”.

Although, the Israeli forces said early on that it will take years “to eradicate all capabilities”, Etzion said he believes the key issue is evident diplomatically.

“To what extent is Hamas able to smuggle arms, materials, personnel across the border with Egypt?” he asked.

“If it is found that there are multiple tunnels as some argue, despite the Egyptian promises to the contrary, and that those tunnels do enable Hamas to continue and replenish its capabilities, then that is a strategic issue that will need to be taken care of in closer cooperation with the Egyptians.”

You are arming Hamas by bombing Gaza. 10% doesn't explode and gets 'recycled' by Hamas, or captured by Hamas. Yet keep on blaming everyone else. But you're on right path, only a diplomatic solution can take the wind out of Hamas' sails.

Israeli sergeant succumbs to injuries received in northern Gaza: Army

A sergeant from the Israeli Netzah Yehuda battalion has died of his injures after being wounded in a battle in northern Gaza, according to the Israeli military announcement on X.

His death raised the toll of the Israeli forces since October 7 to at least 635.

Sahar Sudaei, a 20-year-old sergeant in the Rotem Battalion, Givati ​​Brigade, was killed in northern Gaza, the Israel army announced in a post on X.
Moreover, the army also said another soldier serving in the Eilat lieutenant unit, Uzbet Adom, was injured in southern Gaza.

The trauma keeps getting worse on the Israeli side as well. It's mostly young reservists in the army through mandatory draft. Many wounded, many with ptsd. That on top of the hostage families still in limbo whether their loved ones are still alive or not.

Make it end, there is nothing to gain by continuing the war.

Patients in Gaza hospitals at risk amid shortage of fuel

Some 200 trucks, among them four fuel trucks, were supposed to arrive today. But so far, nothing arrived from the Karem Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) crossing and nothing entered the Gaza Strip.

We saw a couple of airdrops today in Khan Younis and we know the port resumed its operations, but so far nothing has been received from Karem Abu Salem.

Al-Aqsa Hospital officials said that they did not receive any more fuel, and what they have is only enough for tomorrow. Hundreds of patients in Al-Aqsa Hospital are at risk of death. There are seven more hospitals still operating in the Gaza Strip that are also in severe need of fuel to continue operating.

No doubt the IDF will blame the UN / UNWRA for not distributing the aid the let in while continuing to bomb Rafah.

‘Large number’ of casualties in strike on Rafah: Health Ministry

The Gaza Health Ministry says in a brief statement via its Telegram channel that a “large number” of Palestinians were killed and wounded as a result of an Israeli army strike on a displacement camp in the northwest of Rafah.

The statement adds that a search for survivors is under way.

And UNWRA will say it's too risky to move aid through the active battle zone.