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Israeli bulldozer, snipers sighted in Jenin amid new raid

Israeli forces have launched a new raid on the city of Jenin and its refugee camp in the occupied West Bank, days after another operation there which killed 12 people, including four children.

Israeli troops accompanied by a military bulldozer stormed the city at dawn today, according to the Wafa news agency, while Israeli snipers mounted the roofs of several residential buildings.

The bulldozer destroyed infrastructure on as-Sikka Street, the agency said. Al Jazeera Arabic, meanwhile, reported clashes in the city with Palestinian fighters targeting Israeli military vehicles with homemade explosive devices.

Known as a symbol of resistance to Israel’s illegal occupation of the West Bank, about 14,000 Palestinians live in the Jenin refugee camp, many of them directly descended from the 750,000 Palestinians forcibly displaced when the state of Israel was created in 1948.

Israelis killing Palestinians ‘in cold blood’ in occupied West Bank

On October 19, Sarah Mahamid watched helplessly from a window as Israeli security forces shot her younger brother. Taha, 15, had been playing with a friend outside their house in the occupied West Bank city of Tulkarem. The 19-year-old screamed as her brother fell to the ground.

Their father, Ibrahim, ran out of the front door to get his son, but a sniper shot him too. “I remember hearing my father shout that Taha might be alive… but I knew that Taha was martyred. I knew he was dead,” Sarah told Al Jazeera.

Taha was killed instantly. Ibrahim fought for his life for five months in intensive care until he also died. Footage seen by Al Jazeera shows Taha and Ibrahim were both unarmed and posed no threat.

Nearly 1,500 Palestinians have been unlawfully killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank in the past 16 years – 98 percent of them civilians, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Each of them, like Taha and Ibrahim, has a story and loved ones who mourn them.

The frequency of the killings has spiked in recent years with Israel killing 509 Palestinians in 2023. That is more than double the number recorded by OCHA in any previous year.

Israeli forces raid Nablus, Bethlehem and other West Bank towns

Israeli forces have arrested several Palestinians in raids across the occupied West Bank tonight, including in Nablus, Bethlehem, Jenin and Yatta, south of Hebron, our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic are reporting.

Israeli forces also raided the town of Husan in Bethlehem and the village of Madama, south of Nablus, Al Jazeera Arabic correspondents added.

At least 8,680 Palestinians have been detained in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem since October 7, according to the Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society.

There are 9,300 political prisoners held in Israeli prisons and 3,424 administrative detainees (held without charge or trial), according to estimates from the Ramallah-based Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association.