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LegitHyperbole said:
JRPGfan said:

HDR on a handheld? that should be left for docked/tv mode only atleast.
You dont need the brightness of a thusand suns,.... when your playing on a handheld, and worried about battery life.

I can't see why HDR contrast would be a bad thing for a handheld aside from the battery issues but luminosity doesn't need to be the focus, HDR is so much more than that. I suppose as long as they have an OLED screen, that'll do the same job.  

Better and wider colour gamut, and contrast, is a good thing..... the upsides of HDR.
The higher brightness (in areas) can allow for much more lifelike and believable scenes.

However its slightly more demanding on the gpu (HDR tonemapping), and on the screen (monitor/tv) it usually uses more power than a screen without.
*edit:  They keep makeing advances in technology.... a few years ago, there was a bigger differnce between HDR use and not for powerconsumption, than today.

Even Oled vs LED.... at the same brightness levels, consume more power.
However the visual upgrade haveing richer darks, has might be worth that trade off.

I just think, the switch and switch 2, being as limited as they are, HDR (at the very least in handheld mode) is a waste.
The same way I would say Raytraceing on the Switch, in handheld mode, would be stupid as well.... its got a 15watt target it needs to fit into.... and raytraceing is too demanding to be spending limited wattage budget on it.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 26 May 2024