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Yeah, I don't see a problem with 256 GB; should prove big enough for any game to be playable and people who are going to go heavy with digital will invest in expandable storage anyway.

Also, people expecting the latest and greatest tech in the Switch 2 are missing the point, I think. What we in fact have here seems to be something that is much above what most people anticipated Nintendo to ever go with. Do I expect the Steamdeck 2 to be more powerful than Switch 2? Sure, but do I expect it to render the Switch 2 obsolete with tech that dwarfs it? No, I don't - at least not perceivably.  The Switch 2 looks to be developed with that "PS2" level of quality, where it's so good that everyone wants it and nothing in the near future will, appreciably, surpass it from a tech standpoint - not for a comparable price point anyway.

Seems that Switch 2 is shooting for the moon, but there are always people who will expect all of the stars and satellites to come with it. Just because better tech exists doesn't mean it's reasonable to expect premium components for a game system targeting the mass market.

Last edited by archbrix - on 23 May 2024