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Confiscation of AP equipment aims ‘to stifle the media’

The Foreign Press Association, which represents the international media working in Israel and Palestine, says it is alarmed by Israeli authorities confiscating equipment from The Associated Press as it aired live footage of northern Gaza.

“This is the latest in a series of chilling steps by the Israeli government to stifle the media,” the FPA said in a statement.

“Israel’s move today is a slippery slope. Israel could block other international news agencies from providing live footage of Gaza. It also could allow Israel to block media coverage of virtually any news event on vague security grounds,” it added.

“Israel’s record on press freedom already has been dismal throughout the war. For the entire conflict, it has prevented independent access to Gaza for foreign journalists. Now it has taken another step backward away from the Democratic ideals it claims to uphold.”

CPJ ‘deeply disturbed’ by Israel’s seizure of Associated Press equipment

Press watchdog the Committee to Project Journalists (CPJ) says in a statement that “Israeli authorities must return the equipment they confiscated from The Associated Press in southern Israel and stop harassing and censoring journalists covering the war”.

Earlier today, officials seized a camera and broadcasting equipment belonging to The Associated Press (AP) by officials in southern Israel. The AP was accused of violating a new media law by providing images to Al Jazeera.

“CPJ is deeply disturbed by Israeli authority’s seizure of broadcasting equipment used by The Associated Press, an international news outlet providing crucial coverage of the ongoing Israel-Gaza war,” said CPJ Program Director Carlos Martinez de la Serna in a statement.

“Israel started its media silencing campaign by banning Al Jazeera and is now using that as an excuse to obstruct AP. Israel must end this censorship campaign, return AP’s equipment, and allow all international media outlets — including Al Jazeera — to operate freely in the country.”

Israeli officials used the foreign broadcaster law to close down the offices of Al Jazeera on May 5, as well as confiscating the channel’s equipment, banning its broadcasts, and blocking its websites.

US is asking Israel to reverse action against Associated Press

The United States is engaging directly with Israel to ask that its action confiscating Associated Press camera equipment be reversed, a White House spokesperson said.

Earlier, Israeli officials seized a camera and broadcasting equipment belonging to The Associated Press in southern Israel, accusing the news organisation of violating a new media law by providing images to Al Jazeera.

Demanding doesn't work, so maybe asking will? The US wants nothing more than less news out of Gaza...