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firebush03 said:

And listen to me when I say that I’m not one to completely dismiss the prospect that Putin may have some imperial desires. But based on what I have observed, it wouldn’t make sense for this to be the entire reasoning for it doesn’t help Russia’s bottom line, 

Because as Ryuu mentioned several pages ago, Russia expected an easy victory. They expected to win in weeks. 

Somehow I doubt that you would argue that the US Revolutionary War was proof that Britain wasn't actually imperialistic. Why would they go to war that doesn't help their bottom line? 

And again, the thing that troubles me about your position the most is that Putin himself is extremely proud of the fact that he feels Ukraine belongs to Russia; going back 1300 years. 

firebush03 said:

(i’m responding to this guy.) “Because Ryuu knows his stuff.” He absolutely does not know his stuff. If he did, he wouldn’t have to drop the wall of China in all his responses. If he did, he wouldn’t constantly resort to insults in almost every single one of his sentences. (I’m aggressive, but not nearly that aggressive.) Almost every remark he makes dodges every point I make. He needs to learn to address points in a concise fashion, without instigating the other individual he is speaking with.

This is the exact reason why I don’t have interest in getting into all of this, because it’s so nuanced, and there are so many perfectly valid perspectives to have. Nobody has the answer, and to die on the hill of “I have it figured it” is a waste of my time to even deal with that. I feel awful being so harsh with this comment, and it’s for these reason why I’ll need to avoid this chat. 

Writing nuance requires tends to require writing a lot.

I'm not sure how you can do a math PhD if you think Ryuu is writing a lot.

And frankly sometimes it helps to say the same thing multiple times in different ways, because otherwise not everyone will get it.

firebush03 said:

If he did, he wouldn’t constantly resort to insults in almost every single one of his sentences. (I’m aggressive, but not nearly that aggressive.)

Almost every remark he makes dodges every point I make.

It's no better than bragging about how wonderful your essay is, and how well researched you are. 

How would you know he's dodging your points, you keep complaining about how much he's writing.