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firebush03 said:

erg. i’m stuck between a rock and a hardplace. I really do want to give your guys’ points the time of day, but I really don’t have time to be talking too much on this. I have math I need to focus on, and politics are the last thing I want on the forefront of my mind. I can certainly give responses, but it would take time (as y’all are certainly aware). *This is especially the case when one guy chooses to type up an entire hour’s worth of readings in every response.* I mean seriously, do you guys see how much I would need to read and research in response to that one mini-comment I left? You guys left a page-and-a-half of remarks. That’ll take hours for me to provide anything remotely sufficient.

i’ll contemplate just dropping out of the forum entirely, and give my essay in due time. I just don’t have time for this, unfortunately. :/ if ryuu would be willing to concede, I’d be willing to stay. But I literally can’t do this bc one guy chooses to ruin it. Pi-Guy and Dino dude have been perfectly fine, and I enjoy reading their remarks. But I am at a loss with Ryuu.

Because Ryuu knows his stuff. He reads about Ukraine and Russia pretty much every day, and he posts about it a lot. I would not be surprised in the least if he's had a full 1,000 posts in the Russia Ukraine thread here. 

I would hope from how you talk about your math program, that you are pretty competent at whatever part of math you are studying. You might feel more than a little bothered if someone insisted they knew your math better than you did. All while complaining that they'll have to look up every result that you've claimed to make.

Saying "I have a proof for this, but there's not enough space in this margin to write it" means nothing. 

I find it very troubling that this still seems like a game to you. That you seem to think we're just waiting for you to win or something. 

What would convince you that you were wrong, and that America isn't half as interested in the war as Russia is?

If the answer is nothing, that's the problem. There's no point in having this discussion if no amount of evidence would change your mind.

If the answer isn't nothing, then maybe Ryuu has those answers; maybe I would have those answers. But you probably have to put in some genuine effort to get those answers.

I would be willing to change my position with substantial evidence, but nothing you've shown has outweighed Putin's own words, the actions of the Republican party or the actions of Zelenskyy. Far too much of your commentary is extremely speculative and conspiratorial at times. (Doesn't necessarily mean that it's wrong, but it's concerning when there's constant promises of evidence and very little actual evidence. Even more so when someone else seems to be effortlessly debunking quite a bit of your assertions.)