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Chrkeller said:
zorg1000 said:

I get that to an extent but just how much more money are you making with a Republican president vs a Democratic president?

Your profile says you’re 43 so the 2000 election would be the first of your adult life and eligible to vote in. In that time we have had Bush, Obama, Trump & Biden as presidents. What exactly did Bush & Trump do that significantly increased your earnings/what did Obama & Biden do that significantly decreased your earnings?

The Bush & Trump tax cuts primarily benefitted the rich & corporations while adding to the deficit, increasing income inequality and doing little to grow the economy.

It sounds like you make good money but I doubt you’re a millionaire or own a big corporation so how exactly are your paychecks/savings anything more than a few percent higher under Republican presidents? 

Does it basically come down to the fact that Obama & Biden entered office in the middle of the Great Recession & Covid-19 Pandemic and had to focus on recovery efforts whereas Bush & Trump entered office in significantly more favorable conditions giving Republicans the perception of being better on the economy?

Another thing I’m curious about, you side more with Democrats on healthcare & abortion but side more with Republicans on tax policy and the economy, what are your views on things like gun laws, LGBT rights, voting rights, immigration, climate change, unions, etc?

Sorry if I’m coming off rude with all these questions, just with how partisan politics have become it’s rare to see someone with a mix of left & right views.

You would be mistaken.  

I'm happy to answer the other questions, but I'm firing up borderlands with the wife.  I'll respond tomorrow.

I know you said you would respond in further detail tomorrow but the fact that you’re a millionaire brings up something else I would like to discuss.

As a millionaire, I assume you can afford the essentials in life without much issue. Things like housing, utilities, healthcare, child care (if you have kids), elder care (if you have parents who need it), transportation, food, retirement savings, emergency savings, etc. are things that you pay for and still have plenty left over for things like entertainment, leisure, travel & hobbies.

The two links I posted above show that people in the top 1% of earners saved an average of 6.7% under Bush & $61k (6.1% of $1m) under Trump. Would a 6-7% increase in taxes force you to lower your standard of living? Would you all of a sudden struggle to pay your bills or provide for your family? Would you no longer be able to afford to play the games you enjoy on your hardware of choice?

I just have a hard time believing that a millionaire would be so bad with their personal finances and living on such thin margins that a 6-7% increase in taxes would cause a notable impact on their way of life. It also seems to be at extreme odds with your support for universal healthcare & abortion access and claiming they are human rights. It’s like you support the idea of them as long as you don’t have to make any sacrifices ( although I’m not sure if going from really, really rich to just really rich is much of a sacrifice).

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.