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Some Estonian would come up to Firebush and say "I hate Russia, I hate what they've done to my country and my neighbours" and Firebush would turn around and be like "I'm sure Russia has its reasons for constantly threatening you, stop overreacting, also leave NATO as you're threatening Russia" or he wouldn't even see the Estonian because all he sees is America.

Sick of Americans taking the quite frankly insulting attitude that America controls all of Europe and Europe can't think for itself. The Baltics, Poland, Czech Republic are all brainless idiots with no agency of their own. Despite the fact that many in Europe are taking a publicly different stance to America as I've already posted, multiple countries in Europe want to allow Ukraine to shoot Russian territory with Western Weapons, America does not. Multiple in Europe are considering troops in Ukraine, America instantly shot it down and it wasn't USA who broke multiple taboos, it was UK.

I've literally argued with more Americans defending Russia that Russians themselves.

How Firebush sees Europe.

Just stop with your arrogant and quite frankly offensive nonsense.