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Chrkeller said:
the-pi-guy said:

Uh yes you did. 

You were lucky to be born.

You were lucky to be born not overly handicapped. 

You were lucky to not be born in a different country where things would be substantially harder, if it were possible at all. 

You were lucky to be born (at least reasonably) intelligent.

Working hard to do something, doesn't erase the billion advantages you had.

And none of the luck erases hours of studying, working many times to 10 pm, giving up weekends for more work and saving 20% my entire life (even when money was tight and I went without).

The 'success is luck' is liberal horseshit.

Most people earn their success, like I have.  

I did not say success is luck.  Success is not 100% luck or 100% hard work. 

You are the product of both. 

You did not birth yourself, you didn't change your own diaper. 

You didn't choose your parents, or your genes. None of that was your own hard work.  

Everyone in the world is a mix of both circumstance and their own work. Without one or the other, you wouldn't exist.