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Chrkeller said:
zorg1000 said:

Just out of curiosity, which issues have caused you to lean more towards the Republican Party? If I recall in a previous discussion you mentioned that you support universal healthcare and abortion access and based on your views on J6, I’m assuming you’re not a fan of the extremist wing of the Republican Party that just wants to obstruct and please Trump.

Seems pretty rare for someone to have those views while also leaning R so I’m interested in hearing how you came to that decision.

My big paycheck and substantial savings.  I don't know how to word that political correct.  I get more money via Republicans and I don't need nor will ever need social programs.

Self interest, essentially.

that’s…sad. You got a lucky spawn, but those who are less fortunate need to suffer? :( We can also just divert spending from military and porkbarrel to social programs without adjusting taxes. I see no problem with that.