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Not white Americans attacking Japanese folk for defending Yasuke 💀


People so mad about Assassin's Creed historical accuracy of all things, fucking Assassin's Creed, Lmfao.

In the end they may not even be right, based on what I've read, I'd lean towards Yasuke was a samurai or a samurai in all but name but it's fucking Assassin's Creed where the Pope was a Templar and Queen Elizabeth worked with the Assassins. Game with a mythical extinct race of humanoids which we would essentially perceive as Gods, a game with Atlantis, a game where Leonidas had 2 grandchildren despite his lineage IRL ending with his son.

This reply made me laugh.

The Ambition of Oda Nobuna - Wikipedia

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 17 May 2024