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More raids throughout occupied West Bank

Following our earlier reports of raids in Anabta, Bal’a, Qalqilya, and Jalazone camp, Israeli forces have also stormed areas near Nablus, Bethlehem and Hebron, making numerous arrests and wounding at least one Palestinian, reports the Wafa news agency.

Here is a breakdown of the latest raids:

  • Askar camp in Nablus governorate: Fighting between residents and Israeli forces was reported where live bullets, tear gas and stun grenades were fired by the soldiers, injuring at least one person.
  • Town of Duma in Nablus governorate: Israeli forces searched homes and arrested two people.
  • Villages of Harmala and al-Asakra near Bethlehem: Israeli forces raided homes and tampered with residents’ property.
  • Towns of Sa’ir, ash-Shuyukh and Dura in Hebron governorate: Israeli forces searched homes, while detaining two citizens and interrogating them, before releasing them.

Israeli settlers attack truck in occupied West Bank clash with soldiers

The Israeli military says settlers attacked and burned a truck in the occupied West Bank overnight, wounding the driver. Kan public radio reported that the protesters believed the truck was carrying aid supplies to Gaza. It quoted the military as saying the truck was not carrying aid.

The incident comes just days after aid trucks heading towards the Gaza Strip were ransacked by Israeli protesters. Soldiers who arrived to separate the settlers from the Israeli driver were attacked and three soldiers were slightly hurt, the military said.