the “Yasuke was a retainer so he wasn’t a samurai” argument makes me roll my eyes so much
— 藤掛クリスティーナ (@FujikakeRin) May 15, 2024
I’m descended from Fujikake Nagakatsu, who was a retainer of Oda Nobunaga, aka absolutely a samurai
why are people like this
— がしゃどくろ (@Skull_Os) May 16, 2024
Yasuke has been featured a lot in fiction so I thought he would be well-known, but maybe he's actually quite unknown...?
During the Sengoku period, he was sent to Japan as a slave. His black skin was unusual and he was taken in by Nobunaga. He was given a name and became a samurai, and was a candidate for castle lord. He was on Nobunaga's side during the Honnoji Incident. He was overlooked by Akechi Mitsuhide. His whereabouts are unknown after that.
It's such a romantic story. No wonder he's the main character.
— 神奈いです (@kana_ides) May 16, 2024
Westerner: "Japanese people must be angry that the main character of Assassin's Creed is a black samurai!!!"
Japanese person: "Wow, it's Yasuke! How cool!"