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BFR said:

"Even Russia isn't so stupid that they will risk nuclear war for something so small and inconsequential. What would they gain from nuking the west? Only the destruction of Russia, and I'm sure that ryyu96 will agree with this."

Guys, it all comes down to Putin and his state of mind. If he is a Mad Leader (like Hitler), and believing he is on the brink of losing this war and thus his leadership.....Russia's use of nukes against Ukraine cannot be ruled out. And this state of Putin's self-destruction is what Biden is afraid of.

Think about it, if Russia nuked Ukraine. How would NATO reply? They would certainly not nuke Russia, because Ukraine is not a NATO member !!!

Hitler was in the end a coward who shot himself when faced with overwhelming odds so if that's how Putin goes down then brilliant. Putin however has by all accounts displayed that he wants to live and when push comes to shove, he always backs down. Putin wants to live, as evidenced by his table paranoia, by his bunker hiding, by him fleeing when Wagner was marching on Moscow.

I mean this dude barely mustered a response when a private military company was marching on the capital of Russia and shot down multiple Russian aircraft on the way, he only dealt with the issue afterwards in his own cowardly way by shooting down their jet when everything cooled down. This is a man who can't even protect his own capital and would rather flee.

We all know what the consequences of nuclear war would be today, they're the biggest deterrent in the world precisely because nobody wins from a nuclear war, NATO has made clear if Russia uses nukes then we would get involved, especially because there's a high chance that nuclear winds would spread to NATO countries, therefore it would be an indirect attack on us as well.

There's not many places in Ukraine which Russia could even use a nuke which would A. Be tactically beneficial and B. Wouldn't backfire on them by either Belarus, NATO or Russia's own troops catching a stray. Russia is not going to use a nuke now or ever and if they do it will be the end of Russia when NATO responds. Russia only uses the nuclear threat to discourage the world from doing the right thing but they never follow through.

We must not let weak words stop us from doing the right thing.