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One thing to consider is that even if you could release the Switch Pro for a slight profit in 2023 that screws up your Switch 2 schedule. What would you release in 2025 when people need a new platform but there isn't new hardware ready? The Switch Pro had to release in 2020-2022 for it to make sense, in my opinion. 

I think Nintendo made the right decision. Use the savings on using the T239 chipset in 2025 for a VRR display (*crossing fingers*), higher capacity/bandwidth ram, and better cooling. That would have more impact on actual experiential performance than upgrading to a newer, but far more expensive, chipset.

If you can play at variable 40-50 FPS in handheld mode without screen-tearing and you still have mid-range hybrid performance in docked mode, is probably a better user-experience in the end than if Nintendo blew their budget on an expensive, but not that much better chipset but left the handheld experience lacking by skimping on the screen, memory capacity/bandwidth, cooling, and sound system. Build quality matters a lot more for hybrids than home consoles. 

Last edited by sc94597 - on 12 May 2024