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No reason at all to be aligned with Permalite because he is clearly not as knowledgeable as he pretends to be. Clearly the console market with the dying brand is the one Nintendo should follow according to him. Nintendo, PS, and the rest of the world could careless about MS jumping to the next generation early because no one buys Xboxs to begin with. PS isnt jumping early because PS is already struggling to be profitable now. MS jumping early is exactly what Sega thought and it ended their console business. MS right now is making games for their competitors lol. The Switch OS is more than snappy enough and lacks all those apps, yet the market said we only care about games and this thing being a gaming console and will sell as much as Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Xbox Series combined. Nintendo isn't interested in trying to keep up with Xbox OS and will likely only care about upgrading what they feel necessary. Permalite also missed the memo about the Nintendo online app not being required by 3rd parties at all. The largest multi-player games on Switch by 3rd parties Fortnite, Apex, Rocket League, and Overwatch don't use the app to voice chat at all. I simply plug in my headphones into the headphones jack or in docked mode I use my USB PS headset.