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Yemen’s Houthis thwart ‘spying network’ amid expanding military ops: Report

The group has arrested multiple people accused of working with the intelligence services of the US and Israel through intermediaries in the region, according to a report in Iranian state-linked media.

The Tasnim news website, affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), quoted a Houthi military official as saying a “network of mercenaries” who were in contact with an intermediary linked with the United Arab Emirates were arrested in western Yemen.

The official said they were passing information on where the Houthis were trying to launch missiles and where their forces were located.


Israeli military claims attacks on Hezbollah buildings

The Israeli military has released aerial footage that it says shows two Hezbollah operatives being identified moving near a “military structure” in the Yaron region while carrying weapons.

They were attacked by fighter jets shortly after, it said. It also claimed an attack on “terrorist infrastructure” in Kfar Kila, and said it hit a building in Leida, both in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah claims rocket attack on Israeli military base

The armed Lebanese group says it has launched barrages of Katyusha rockets at the Khirbet Maar military base near the Lebanese border in the past few hours.

Hezbollah said Israeli soldiers had gathered to repair damage from a previous attack when they were again targeted and suffered casualties. The group has claimed seven attacks on Israeli positions so far today, saying the other strikes targeted the Kiryat Shmona settlement and the Yiftah barracks among other places.

Palestinian groups announce members killed amid fighting in Gaza, Lebanon

Multiple Palestinian groups are engaged in heavy fighting with Israeli forces across Gaza and in Lebanon and are announcing casualties.

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) announced that one of its members was killed in southern Lebanon “while performing their combat duty”.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PLFP) said a fighter in its artillery unit was killed by an Israeli drone in a combat area.

Hezbollah, the armed Lebanese group, has also confirmed several of its members killed since yesterday.


Hamas says it fires rockets at Beersheba

The Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, says it has fired the rockets in response to the killings of civilians in Gaza. Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that warning sirens had sounded in Beersheba in southern Israel’s Negev region.


Israeli forces beat Palestinian shepherds, detain farmer in occupied West Bank

Israeli forces have assaulted shepherds in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron in the occupied West Bank, according to local sources cited by the Palestinian Wafa news agency.

Troops also attacked the home of a human rights activist near Hebron, threatening to detain her if she continues her activities, Wafa said. Soldiers also reportedly attacked livestock and demolished barns.

In the West Bank town of Nilin, west of Ramallah, soldiers detained a farmer and confiscated his tractor, the news agency reported.