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It's been a couple of years since I've updated this thread, so it's time for an update now.

Switch annual sales performance (yen amounts in millions)

FY Operating Profit (yen) Net Sales (yen) R&D expenses (yen) Digital sales (yen) 1M+ sellers (1st) 1M+ sellers (3rd)
2017                                29,362                 489,095                              59,197  ?                                 1  ? 
2018                              177,577             1,055,682                              64,032  ?                                 9  ? 
2019                              249,701             1,200,560                              69,628                      118,800                              15  ? 
2020                              352,370             1,308,519                              84,100                      204,100                              18                                 9
2021                              640,634             1,758,910                              93,200                      344,100                              22                              14
2022                              592,760             1,695,344                           102,100                      359,600                              26                              13
2023                              504,375             1,601,677                           110,000                      405,200                              35                              13
2024                              528,941             1,671,865                           137,700                      443,300                              20                              11

Profit/Sales Restated in USD/Euro (in millions)

FY Operating Profit (USD) Net Sales (USD) Operating Profit (Euro) Net Sales (Euro)
2017                                      262                               4,360                                    245                           4,083
2018                                  1,671                               9,937                                1,361                           8,088
2019                                  2,251                             10,825                                1,945                           9,349
2020                                  3,240                             12,033                                2,916                        10,830
2021                                  6,042                             16,589                                5,180                        14,221
2022                                  4,865                             13,916                                4,378                        12,520
2023                                  3,792                             12,043                                3,486                        11,071
2024                                  3,495                             11,047                                3,239                        10,237

Switch Regional Statistics (hardware and software in millions)

Japan hardware software New titles
2017 0.6 0.89 9
2018 3.78 12.26 74
2019 3.85 21.48 215
2020 5.21 32.56 260
2021 6.6 45.02 291
2022 5.19 42.14 327
2023 4.37 45.79 350
2024 4.41 39.77 374
total 34.01 239.91 1900

Americas hardware software New titles
2017 1.2 2.86 10
2018 5.94 27.52 95
2019 6.88 53.94 280
2020 8.11 74.28 313
2021 11.15 102.42 348
2022 8.76 108.27 361
2023 6.97 87 461
2024 5.52 83.91 418
total 54.53 540.2 2286

EU+ROW hardware software New titles
2017 0.94 1.71 9
2018 5.33 23.73 101
2019 6.23 43.13 269
2020 7.71 61.88 331
2021 11.08 83.44 325
2022 9.11 84.66 382
2023 6.63 81.18 402
2024 5.76 75.99 383
total 52.79



EU & ROW Split by Region

Europe hardware software New titles
2017 0.76 ? 9
2018 3.78 ? 101
2019 4.55 ? 269
2020 5.34 50.17 331
2021 7.15 66.24 325
2022 6.02 65.78 382
2023 4.98 62.98 402
2024 3.9 57.41 383
total 36.48 302.58 2202

ROW hardware software
2017 0.18 ?
2018 1.53 ?
2019 1.69 ?
2020 2.37 11.71
2021 3.93 17.2
2022 3.09 18.88
2023 1.65 18.2
2024 1.86 18.58
total 16.3 84.57
Last edited by The_Liquid_Laser - on 09 May 2024