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I've been playing Video games for quite a while now but I only began platinuming games in 2015 when I accidentally did it with Rocket League just by simply playing the game and naturally popping trophies with no intentions of collecting em,

Fast forward 9 years later I have 59ish plat trophies but some are double pops thanks to ps4 to ps5 transfer save files:

FF7 REMAKE double

Spiderman 2018/ Remastered double

RE2 Remake Double


I mostly play on PlayStation as you can tell and I don't necessarily plat every games I play only the ones I really like!

Some are walk in the park like telltale games no effort whatsoever to get a plat to notoriously difficult ones like The Evil Within 2 and my most recently encountered FF7 REBIRTH run!

Jeez FF7 is making everyone cry on the internet myself included but I think I didn't waste as much time as others did thanks to some skill based difficulty which I'm used to thanks to being a souls vet lol!

Skill based and grind fest aside!

I want to know what's the most difficult Platinum or Achievements that's y'all encountered!